The attempt to diminish individuality

There's been a marked increase in the programs designed to diminish individuality, in recent times in our Western culture, especially that by "Critical Race Theory".

Critical Race Theory proposes that we are all guilty of racism, by virtue of being born white, or some other "oppressive" class.

The subtext of all such theories (effectively socialism, communism) is that of a bias toward collectives (groups, races) at the expense of individuality (individual volition, power, sovereignty, agency, choice, independence).

Covid-19, herd immunity and common sense

There has been a LOT of talk in the media, various forums, twitter, etc, about "herd immunity" in regards to the corona virus pandemic.

The idea, basically, is that if enough people catch and subsequently become immune to the virus, the virus will "look around" for new hosts within the population, as some have suggested, and finding none available, recede and eventually die out.

That "looking around" suggests viruses are alive, seeking to reproduce like bacteria and fungi.

On the subject of Astrology

I was chatting with a friend who is currently studying an advanced level of Astrology.

She explained that, unlike the standard newspaper horoscope stuff, the Astrology she was studying was far more specific to each individual.

I asked, "yes, but isn't any reference to the stars, or planets still making victims of people to those influences?". Whereupon she replied, "no, they're influences, they don't dictate what we do", or words to that effect.

Steam-powered, or quantum-powered philosophy?

I recently attended a philosophy class focused on the ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato, and others.

I was surprised by the relatively shallow depth of the ideas discussed, when viewed through a quantum holodynamic perspective.

I came to the conclusion, rightly or wrongly, that unless the philosopher is post-quantum, they're not really going to add much insight into life.

In regards to the after-life

In my book "Awkward Truths: Beyond the Dogmas of Science, Religion and New-Age Philosophies" (2004), I explained the somewhat unfortunate consequences of believing in an ideal, perfect Heaven, or a perfect spiritual existence.

It seems prudent to share some of those consequences, given current world circumstances and that many still idealize the after-life or various spiritual states (e.g. enlightenment).