Session 4 - head and heart

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TL;DR (Summary)
[comments and questions can be posted on my substack, at]
TL;DR (Summary)
[comments and questions can be posted on substack at]
TL;DR (Summary)
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TL;DR (Summary)
© Stephen Pirie, 2004
For the last couple of years, thousand, it’s been customary to believe that if we are perfectly nice to each other, we’ll end up in Heaven when we die.
Imagine that you are the most creative, the most talented, the strongest, the bravest, or the most compassionate person among those you know, or know of.
Perhaps you’ve gained a medal at a recent Olympic Games, after years, or decades of training and discipline. Your successes, your resolve, your discipline in the face of adversity, have instilled in you a can-do attitude that empowers you, enabling you to push through difficulties, come what may.
In light of what seems to be the increasing fear (of getting Covid-19) within the world, I've posted a list of links to videos and articles that can allay that fear.
This is only my initial compendium. No doubt there's many articles, videos and comments on social media that provide good information, that have not been listed below, but at least the following list is start.
Posted 23 September, 2016, 3.10pm
[Note: "About" (The Belief Doctor) was posted on the previous '' website and is reposted here, for consistency of links.]
Recently I sat in a meeting of people who discussed all sorts of spiritual matters and ideas, including the law of attraction etc.
When discussing the law of attraction, I asked a simple question that caused a fair bit of upset. And it's an obvious question that is often ignored, or avoided when people talk about 'attracting abundance' into their lives.
The question is this: what value are you adding to your community, in order to reasonably expect abundance will be given you?
Chatting with a friend about a mutual accquaintenance ("dangerous-tree man"), and how it must be a living hell to not feel the benefits and ease of knowing that we are safe.
At a dinner party recently I explained that "genuine creativity leads God", in that everyone else (including God1) is genuinely, gob-smackingly surprised by our raw originality.
One woman was deeply shocked and horrified by the idea. She said she completely "shut down" with regards to anything else I had to say. Golly.