Session 3 - as above, so below

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TL;DR (Summary)
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TL;DR (Summary)
In light of what seems to be the increasing fear (of getting Covid-19) within the world, I've posted a list of links to videos and articles that can allay that fear.
This is only my initial compendium. No doubt there's many articles, videos and comments on social media that provide good information, that have not been listed below, but at least the following list is start.
There has been a LOT of talk in the media, various forums, twitter, etc, about "herd immunity" in regards to the corona virus pandemic.
The idea, basically, is that if enough people catch and subsequently become immune to the virus, the virus will "look around" for new hosts within the population, as some have suggested, and finding none available, recede and eventually die out.
That "looking around" suggests viruses are alive, seeking to reproduce like bacteria and fungi.
[See supplemental article Covid-19, herd immunity and common sense]
Dr Kelly Turner has extensively researched the factors involved in radical remissions of cancer (typically called "spontaneous remissions" or "spontaneous regressions" in the medical literature) and found there are 9 factors that are common to all such cases. They are
Recently I sat in a meeting of people who discussed all sorts of spiritual matters and ideas, including the law of attraction etc.
When discussing the law of attraction, I asked a simple question that caused a fair bit of upset. And it's an obvious question that is often ignored, or avoided when people talk about 'attracting abundance' into their lives.
The question is this: what value are you adding to your community, in order to reasonably expect abundance will be given you?
I've previously written about the importance and power of letting go the past, relationships that are 'toxic' and behaviours that aren't aligned with, or heading us towards health, wellbeing and happiness.
No surprise then to find others extolling the same approach.
This from a Sydney Morning Herald Spectrum article in which American author Augusten Burroughs is interviewed.
From the article:
Do you genuinely seek answers to the deeper questions and problems of life?
I've known this a long time, but I need to keep reminding myself
The Truth will most definitely NOT set you free.
Think about it. You're driving along and you find a billboard with "The Truth" written on it. Does it set you free?
No, the Truth, in any form, in any book, will NOT set you free, but living your truth certainly will.