At a dinner party recently I explained that "genuine creativity leads God", in that everyone else (including God1) is genuinely, gob-smackingly surprised by our raw originality.

One woman was deeply shocked and horrified by the idea. She said she completely "shut down" with regards to anything else I had to say. Golly.

I reflected on her situation — my words and ideas unwittingly pulled her into that "rarefied non-space" out of which true creativity and space-time itself, evolves. A space which requires one to be genuinely "individual" — of creating and occupying new space, independent of everyone else. No one to talk to and share feelings. Alone, separate, original, different in such unfathomably deep raw terms that many simply avoid.

The standard hierarchical view of life — that there is some super-God-spirit authority looking out for us — is very comforting and beguiling. It's just that such a world-view doesn't help much with being our own person. Of owning our own lives. Of being a genuine individual who's willing to make "new space" and go their own way.

After all ... what if we should offend God, or some "higher-spirit"? For many, that would be terrible. Easier and more comfortable to toe the line, conform, fit in. Be good.

Not for me, but for many people conforming, fitting in, being nice and agreeable, that's what's important to them. The positive of which is community and family cohesion. It helps with a sense of belonging (which is, according to recent research, the most important element in long, happy and healthy lives: strong social networks).

That said, it's a shame they're denying a wonderfully creative, rambunctious part of themselves (that can, especially for those who lead the zeitgeist in any substantial sense, see them ostracized, "the odd ones out").

Update June 30, 2014

Chatting to a few people about the above event, and the opinion was offered that I should have used less confronting words, or been more empathic, in regards to the plight of the lady in question. It wasn't the words that were confronting — it was the rawness of the idea, of being so totally alone, that one can't rely on anyone else for comment, advice or support.

That got me thinking ... about taking offense, or being confronted by ideas. The underlying belief (or more correctly, fear) is that we are not safe.

I think Einstein deeply understood this .. his (paraphrasing) "the most important question to ask is: is the universe a friendly place?". If yes, we can 'fall' into life, knowing we'll be supported, trusting our spontaneity.

If no, we'll be fearful, on guard, perennially defensive, easily and regularly taking offense, blaming others for how we feel.

  • 1. why would you leave Him out of all the surprise and fun?