Update (August, 2016) - see latest regarding the dynamics of gender
When writing Be and Become during the latter half of the 90's, the various revisions of the manuscript1 included chapter (Nine) titled as "Men are particles, women are waves".
However, prior to publication I had the thought (contrary to my better instincts) that the chapter would best be titled differently, to what is now "Material men, wonderful women". It was, I thought, less likely to be dismissed as 'stereotyping' people, even though I felt at ease with the "Men are particles ..." title. "Men are particles, women are waves" quite adroitly and succinctly expresses the inherent dynamics of life towards individualism, and collectivism -- men and male animals do (as a general rule!) bias themselves towards the hard, physical, individualistic side to life (characteristic of particles). Women do bias themselves towards the soft, interconnective, cooperative, relationship side to life (characteristic of waves and fields).
Hardly -- walk down any street asking everyone encountered their occupation. Then note the gender percentages of those in the 'hard-sciences', engineering and Information Technologies, compared with those in care services, humanities and communications.
The bias is not because men or women are 'pushed' into the various professions, or due to restrictions such as 'glass ceilings'. There's been plenty of attempts to get more women into IT, but they simply just aren't as interested ... as a GENERAL rule!. Yes, there's always exceptions, but we're talking 'bias' in numbers, of percentages, not of exceptions.
Anyway, this all goes to remind me of the need to follow my intuition, not what the naysayers might say, or what I think might be best in terms of my work.
It doesn't pay to second-guess that which is beyond modeling or explanation -- the intuitive.
The "Men are particles, women are waves" description works well to explain the behaviour of the sexes, and not just for people, but also for animals, plants and ... wait for it ... quanta as well.
As explained previously, very small bits of physical stuff comes in the form of either masculine 'fermions' or feminine 'bosons'.
The particle nature is a short-pulsed actuality, coming in jumps and lumps. The nonlocal ground from which it arises, is interconnecting, fluid, potential, creative source -- see Fig. 4 (right).
Additional masculine-feminine characteristics are provided in The Table of One and All.
Chapter Six of the book features the Table of One and All, with excerpts as follows:
[Excerpt, Be and Become, Copyright, 1996 - 2000]
The Table of One and All encompasses and includes all aspects of life into one framework of understanding. In view of its 'infinitely-inclusive' framework, it is able to be used in all areas of experience to reveal deeper insights into life.
The TOA provides deeper context and understanding of relationships, religious ideals, scientific facts, disease, wellbeing, happiness, politics, sociology, psychology etc.
Key Concepts (Chapter Six):
- Since all is interconnected, the individual exists within a greater "oneness".
- Existence is the inseparable duality (a paradox) of being Known, Defined and Individual while being Unknowable, Indefinite "Whole".
- We are, in a deeper sense, "Undivided Wholeness" experiencing existence as ourselves.
- Existence is the unfathomable paradox of Diversity within an Indivisible Unity.
- The wave-particle duality of matter and energy, separateness-within-oneness, or diversity-within-unity, has two attributes: the quality of being and the function of doing.
- Human cultures (particularly Western cultures) have largely focused on exploring the physical, technological dimension of existence. This has alienated many from their 'spiritual' roots (nonlocal awareness and potentials).
- In respect of the dynamic holomovement, we can readily appreciate that humanity is nearing adulthood, having played enough "outside" with the technology and the toys.
- The Finite within the Infinite is a universal principle.
- The Table of One and All presents in tabular form how human societies, plants, animals and inanimate matter have embodied the indivisible duality of One and All.
- Traditionally, males have leant towards being "separate from" (hence the masculine tendency towards the isolated, competitive, combative suitor).
- Females have leant towards being "together with" (hence the feminine tendency towards communities, families and herds).
- The "left-wing" of the TOA is correlated with community, socialism and the immeasurable (spiritual).
- The "right-wing" of the TOA is correlated with individuality, capitalism (the getting of personal wealth, possessions) and the measurable (physical).
- The left-wing (of the TOA) is not opposite the right-wing. It makes no sense to say that the individual is opposite the community.
- The Theory of One and All (TOA) provides the framework with which to understand all aspects of life.
- Apparent contradictions within the Table (Theory) of One and All (TOA) are fundamentally due to the inability to perfectly separate the part from the "undivided whole".
Going further, Chapter Nine provides a fuller, more detailed explanation of how masculine-particle, and feminine nature "spins out" into everyday life.
- 1. As archived in the Library of Congress