While visiting a friend in Barkandji Country (Aboriginal country around Wilcannia, and along the Darling River), I was given a book "Voices of the first day", by Robert Lawlor. It contains concepts and ideas which are highly congruent with my basic model of The Theory of One and All that I intuited and explained in my book, BE and BECOME.
When researching materials to support the ideas in BE and BECOME I came across a number of leading physicists who voiced a more technical explanation: within certain bounds and constraints (via various 'lattice-works' or matrices, such as fractals), matter and energy is "plastic" — it can be molded or influenced with mind1. At this stage of our evolution it's not yet a noticeably large influence, but it's the principle that is important. It can be guided (again, within constraints), by virtue of the fact that all bits of matter and energy are 'instinctively choosing' to form the world we know.2 They 'instinctively choose' how to collapse the wave-function (collapse possibility into actuality -- see Fig. (below/right).
As physicist Freeman Dyson explains:
Quantum mechanics makes matter even in the smallest pieces into an active agent, and I think that is something very fundamental. Every particle in the universe is an active agent making choices between random processes3
...consciousness is not just a passive epiphenomenon carried along by the chemical events in our brains, but is an active agent forcing the molecular complexes to make choices between one quantum state and another. In other words, mind is already inherent in every electron, and the processes of human consciousness differ only in degree but not in kind from the processes of choice between quantum states which we call 'chance' when they are made by electrons.45
That said, here's similar terminology from "Voices of the first day":
Whether it be sunlight, gravity, rocks or trees, every distinguishable energy, form or substance has both an objective and a subjective expression, or as the Aborigines say, "Each has its own Dreaming." The Western world denies an internal or subjective consciousness to all things and creatures except humans. The rest of nature, we believe, has no dreaming and consequently we feel justified in cutting down trees, gouging the earth, and killing and enslaving animals as if they were all empty forms. In denying the universe an internal life we imprison our own awareness, so that we live in only the shallow surface of our world.6
That's very similar to the basic message of my work that consciousness cycles, riding an "unconscious" continuum (see Fig. 4, right).

Furthermore ...
Aborigines do not perceive space as distance. Space for them is consciousness, and, like consciousness, space is divided into two modes. The perceptible, tangible entities in space are like the conscious mind, and the invisible space between things corresponds to the unconscious mind. The term unconscious is misleading: the unconscious mind is continuous and ever-present; it is a continuum of dreaming. In Western culture, the presence and activity of the unconscious is obvious only during sleep and dreams. For the Aborigines, the unconscious mind is continuous and ever-present, permeating all levels of existence...
The conscious mind is like the things of this world: appearing and disappearing, alternating between wakefulness and sleep, between life and death.
The visible actuality of a form exists simultaneously with its invisible potential, just as the conscious perception exists simultaneously with the flow of the unconscious.7
The above ideas also echo those of many physicists, such as Eddington and Prof. Richard Conn Henry:
"The stuff of the world is mind-stuff. The mind-stuff is not spread in space and time; these are part of the cyclic scheme ultimately derived out of it."
... "It is difficult for the matter of fact physicist to accept the view that the substratum of everything is of mental character."8"The universe is entirely mental ... There is absolutely no reason we cannot switch humanity to a correct perception of the world, and there are profound benefits in doing so."9
"It will remain remarkable, in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of the consciousness is an ultimate universal reality"10
"Observations not only disturb what is to be measured, they produce it."
"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
... "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.""... the Leggett inequality that was recently measured ... rules out any possible interpretation other than consciousness creates reality when the measurement is made."12
"Quantum mechanics is a law of thought.”
"Consciousness itself ... is a conglomerate of possibilities, called a wave of possibility. How can a wave of possibility collapse another wave of possibility by looking or interacting with it? If you couple possibility with possibility, all you get is a bigger possibility, not actuality.
... Face it. For the materialist epiphenomenal model of consciousness, how our looking can change possibility into actuality is a logical paradox. It stays a paradox until you recognize first, that quantum possibilities are possibilities of consciousness itself which is the ground of all being. And second, that our looking is tantamount to choosing from among the quantum possibilities the one unique facet that becomes our experienced actuality.[from http://beliefinstitute.com/article/consciousness-and-quantum-physics]"In the beginning there were only probabilities. The universe could only come into existence if someone observed it. It does not matter that the observers turned up several billion years later. The universe exists because we are aware of it."
Continuing on from 'Voices of the firs day" (from the same page, as above):
"Similarly, the potential of the seed and the actuality of the plant appear to follow one another in sequence, as day follows night. From the perspective of the Dreaming, though, day and night exist simultaneously as the opposite sides of a spinning sphere. The Aborigines refer to the inseparable relationship between the actual and the potential, the conscious and the unconscious, as the light and dark faces of the moon -- both are always present. In a similar manner, the genetic code might appear to be evolving in sequence form simple to complex, but the simple, primary cells and patterns are present, on earth at the same time as the complex forms, varieties, and combinations. The apparent all-pervasiveness of the sequential pattern result from our elevation of and total reliance on the function of the conscious mind.
That's highly similar to ideas by Jane Roberts (Seth), in how the flower appears to follow the bulb, but both are at-once, and the bulb "knowing" this, is pulled forward by the flower:
In basic terms, [the flower and the bulb] exist at once. In your terms, however, it is as if the flower-to-be, from its future, calls back to the bulb and tells it how to make the flower. Memory operates backward and forward in time. The flower -- calling back to the bulb, urging it 'ahead' and reminding it of its (probable future) development -- is like a future self in your terms, or a more highly evolved self, who has the answers and can indeed be quite practically relied upon.15
... It is the body's own precognition that allows the child to develop, to speak and walk and grow.16
... It is truer to say that heredity operates from the future backward into the past, than it is to say that it operates from the past into the present. Neither statement would be precisely correct in any case, because your present is a poised balance affected as much by the probable future as the probable past.17
The quote that "It is truer to say that heredity operates from the future backward into the past, than it is to say that it operates from the past into the present" is accommodated by various interpretations of quantum theory, such as Cramer's Transactional Interpretation in which 'advanced' (backward in time) waves intersect with 'retarded' (forward in time) waves to form present (physical) reality. However, contrary to (and arguably eclipsing) Cramer's model, the Theory of One and All posits that personal, individual choice is still the irreducible pivot point around which various probable futures are selected, leading to present reality.
Excerpts that caught my attention (but are unrelated to the above):
"My friend asked the old (Aboriginal) man, "The scientists and learned white men have been saying we have been here on this land for more than 60.000 years, is that right?" The old man answered, "It is much longer than that. We have been here since the time before time began. We have come directly out of the Dreamtime of the Creative Ancestors ... All other peoples of the world came from us. People who farm the land or make buildings and keep animals -- these people do not belong to the spirit of this land and must go out from here because those things are against the Law of this land."18
Recent confirmation of ancient Aboriginal origins (ABC News)19
DNA sequencing of a 100-year-old lock of hair has established Aboriginal Australians have had a longer continuous association with the land than any other race of people.
... The genome, shown to have no genetic input from modern European Australians, reveals the ancestors of the Aboriginal man separated from the ancestors of other human populations 64,000 to 75,000 years ago.
... Co-author Dr Joe Dortch, an archaeologist at the University of Western Australia, says the work is significant because it shows the timeline for people in Australia is more than 50,000 years.
... Dr Dortch believes the finding will foster a sense of pride in modern Australian Aborigines.
... "No-one else in the world can say 'I am descended from people who have been here 75,000 years'."
Quoting an Aboriginal man and that of his grandmother:
Looking straight into my eyes, she would say, "The white men say terrible things about the Aborigines only because we are not farmers, builders, merchants, or soldiers. The Aborigines are something else -- they are dancers, hunters, wanderers, and mystics, and because of that they call us ignorant and lazy. Someday, Brian, you will see the beauty and power of our people"20
- 1. "The enormous databases produced by PEAR provide clear evidence that human thought and emotion can produce measureable influences on physical reality."(Source: Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory.)
- 2. Rupert Sheldrake has explained quite adroitly that the material that comprises world around us (and within us) has over eons become habituated to form the laws of nature. These habituated laws are kept in check by morphogenetic fields. More later.
- 3. Norman Friedman, Bridging Science and Spirit, Living Lake Books, St. Louis 1994. p. 27 {quoting Freeman Dyson, "Theology and the Origins of LIfe," lecture and discussion at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, California, November 1982, p.8.}
- 4. Freeman Dyson, Disturbing the universe (New York, Harper & Row, 1979), p.249.
- 5. Further on, Dyson writes "The more I examine the universe and study the details of its architecture, the more evidence I find that the universe in some sense must have known that we were coming"(Dyson, p. 250)
- 6. Robert Lawlor, Voices of the first day: awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime, Inner Traditions International, Ltd., Vermont, 1991., pp. 38-40. See also The Evolution of the Human Psyche
- 7. Robert Lawlor, Voices of the first day: awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime, Inner Traditions International, Ltd., Vermont, 1991., p. 41.
- 8. Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1948), p. 281.
- 9. Professor Richard Conn Henry, A Clearer Light - URL: http://henry.pha.jhu.edu/clearer.light.pdf (Richard Conn Henry is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore).
- 10. Physicist, Nobel Laurette Eugene Wigner - (Remarks on the Mind-Body Question, Eugene Wigner, in Wheeler and Zurek, p.169)
- 11. Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
- 12. Bernard Haisch, Ph.D., Calphysics Institute
- 13. University of Massachusetts, Boston.
- 14. Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner, Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness
- 15. Jane Roberts, Unknown Reality, Volume 1: A Seth Book.
- 16. "In the same manner, the species (humankind) as you think of it is at one level aware of its own probabilities and 'future' lines of development. The child learning to walk may fall and hurt itself yet it does learn. In the same way the race makes errors -- and yet in response to its own greater knowledge it continues to seek out those areas of its own probable fulfillment." [Roberts, Unknown Reality, Volume 1]
- 17. Jane Roberts, Unknown Reality, Volume 1: A Seth Book.
- 18. Lawlor, p. 27
- 19. abc.net.au/news/2011-09-23/aboriginal-dna-dates-australian-arrival/2913010
- 20. Lawlor p. 3.