"Weltanschauung" is a German word used to describe one's "world-view", but its meaning is broader, including one's philosophical view of the fuller dimensions to life, be they physical, meta-physical, spiritual etc. As such "world" view is too limiting. Hence the use of Weltanschauung

The Truth will NOT set you free

I've known this a long time, but I need to keep reminding myself

The Truth will most definitely NOT set you free.

Think about it. You're driving along and you find a billboard with "The Truth" written on it. Does it set you free?


No, the Truth, in any form, in any book, will NOT set you free, but living your truth certainly will.


Some years ago during my avid-reading phase when I couldn't wait to get home from work to read more, or postponing going to work in order to read, I came across one quote which has stuck with me ever since.

"Spontaneity knows its own order."

It's a quote from one of Jane Roberts' Seth books, which I highly value as wise, profound sources of information into the deeper rhythms and systems of life.

The travesty of modern science


There are many who argue in various scientific circles and forums that mathematical theories based on unending, contiguous numerical continuity (infinite-series, calculus) are able to explain a series of perplexing theoretical dilemmas dating back nearly 2,500 years.

Those dilemmas, widely known as Zeno's Paradoxes raise issues relating to the apparent impossibility of everyday physical movement, which is assumed to occur continuously and smoothly.
