Chatting with a friend about a mutual accquaintenance ("dangerous-tree man"), and how it must be a living hell to not feel the benefits and ease of knowing that we are safe.
"Nothing is unannounced. If you are paying attention, stuff comes down the pike. First a little wave, then a medium wave, then the tsunami."
Terence McKenna
Of how we can't not be 'plugged in', and how we can't not be getting the signals of impending events.
My friend then inquired why I accidently cut through the power cord of a circular saw that I was using to cut some timber.
Wasn't I plugged in? Why then the accident?
Well, accidents reveal our habitual, fearful or distracted selves. They echo our lack of focus (which was noticeably the case in cutting a live power cord with a metal disc). And they reflect our 'agendas' and fears -- it was only a few days earlier I had pondered the consequences of cutting through a live 240V power cord with such a device. Well, now I know -- I didn't get a shock, presumably because the earth was the first to be touched, saving me any electrical shock.
Accidents aren't accidents, in real terms -- they're 'calls to focus' and calls to reflect on our ponderings, agendas and fears. "That which I feared has come upon me" is a pertinent consideration when accidents occur. What was I in fear of? What occupied my recent thinking, my feelings? How has the accident served me? Perhaps the important people in my life haven't been giving me affection, or much attention, are now giving me the attention and care I (secretly) craved, or needed?