Session 4 - head and heart

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TL;DR (Summary)
[comments and questions can be posted on my substack, at]
TL;DR (Summary)
[comments and questions can be posted on substack at]
TL;DR (Summary)
[comments and questions can be posted on Stephen's substack page, at Session 2 - two impossible ideas]
TL;DR (Summary)
An updated, edited eBook version of "The Dynamics of Gender and Life: Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics" is now available (epub), and pdf
Some reviews
Introductory video providing insight into various phenomena – e.g. the impetus toward "woke" or cancel culture; gender fluidity; the gender pay gap – using basic principles from the field of quantum physics.
Based on the book "The Dynamics of Gender and Life: Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics” ISBN 978-0-9578537-6-8
Stephen is the author of books detailing how quantum principles underlie the events of everyday life, both in the minutia of our personal experiences, and in the experiences and behaviours of tribes, communities, nations.
The Dynamics of Gender and Life is now available as an ebook
Initial review (more at
"The Dynamics of Gender and Life. Just consider the title; it is almost grandiose in its scope, yet the book itself does not disappoint. Stephen Pirie has delineated a whole new paradigm for reality within 150 pages. That in itself is a remarkable achievement.
In the first two sections Pirie repeatedly drew aside curtain after curtain to reveal unexpected wonders. This created a feeling of anticipation as well as suspense. I was eager to read the next page, which always led to further discoveries. I had fun.
Then, in section 3, Stephen began "fleshing out" what had been revealed in the preceding sections. This did not reach the same level of expectation as did the first two sections, but it was necessary for fuller comprehension. I liked his generalized summaries of what it all meant as I went along, e.g., "We, and each part within creation, are. . . an active pivot-point, a door-way, an active, creative portal through which the creative potential and power of the quantum vacuum, the implicate order, the ground of being, flows and creates. We are the delivery vehicles and directors of where and how that energy is congealed into actuality." Beautifully expressed. These occasional "boosts" in his explication keeps the reader in touch with the overall context of what he is saying and sustains an emotional connection with the content.
All in all, a wonderful piece of work, which I earnestly hope will reach a vast multitude of readers because, in all sincerity, they sure as hell need it."
© Stephen Pirie, 2004
For the last couple of years, thousand, it’s been customary to believe that if we are perfectly nice to each other, we’ll end up in Heaven when we die.
In recent years there’s been quite a deal of turmoil and conflict in the world. In this and other posts I present some ideas that might help some to gain more sense of the world, and of recent events.
An excellent article, in my opinion, explaining some of the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics.
Imagine that you are the most creative, the most talented, the strongest, the bravest, or the most compassionate person among those you know, or know of.
Perhaps you’ve gained a medal at a recent Olympic Games, after years, or decades of training and discipline. Your successes, your resolve, your discipline in the face of adversity, have instilled in you a can-do attitude that empowers you, enabling you to push through difficulties, come what may.
Dr Kelly Turner has extensively researched the factors involved in radical remissions of cancer (typically called "spontaneous remissions" or "spontaneous regressions" in the medical literature) and found there are 9 factors that are common to all such cases. They are
"The mind is everything. What we think we become." [Buddha]
Paraphrasing the above within the context of belief-systems,
"Your belief-system is everything. What you think and believe, you become."
Your belief-system is what causes you to think and feel the way you do. Your belief-system will determine whether you're depressed, happy, sad, excited, or bored.
Your belief-system determines your courage, fears and behaviours.
As Jane Roberts (Seth) wrote: