Last night while enjoying a wonderful dinner I had the pleasure of engaging conversation with a number of intelligent men on matters philosophical.
It became evident that some held beliefs that were rooted in the ideal of perfection: the age-old belief that when we get 'over there' or perhaps 'up there' everything will be 'perfect' (at which time, we'll have 'transcended' the troubling, fault-ridden ego).
Some years ago during my avid-reading phase when I couldn't wait to get home from work to read more, or postponing going to work in order to read, I came across one quote which has stuck with me ever since.
"Spontaneity knows its own order."
It's a quote from one of Jane Roberts' Seth books, which I highly value as wise, profound sources of information into the deeper rhythms and systems of life.
There appears to be a large and significant blind-spot in the awareness of many people. This blind-spot can’t usually be seen or recognised directly. Like a galactic black-hole, we usually only learn of its presence by how it sucks the life and light out of surrounding bodies — in this case, ourselves and others in our communities, cities and world.
In the midst of the 'swine-flu' scare a while back it struck me ... how science, religion and various new-age philosophies are very similar.
Being skeptical is perhaps one of the easiest means by which to protect ourselves from silliness, naivety and from being enlisted into the ranks of 'space cadets'.